Common Zombie
It is the basic game zombie. Walk slowly and eat your plants. He died when he
peas or shoot with 10 spores.
Ensign Zombie

It's exactly like the zombie, just bring a flag with a picture of a brain and is a little faster. Indicates the arrival of a wave of zombies or a final assault.
Zombie Coneheads

It's a zombie with a cone on his head. It is three times stronger than normal zombie with a medium strength.
Zombie Reader

Zombie is dressed in a suit and glasses, in addition to carrying a newspaper. When you destroy its newspaper, this zombie walks and eats angry and very fast. Curiously, the first page of the paper is written the word "Zombie", and bring it in reverse.
Pole vaulter

Athletic zombie who uses his pole to jump on the first floor of the row. Use sportswear. Appearing runs fast, but after losing his pole slows down as the normal zombie. Has low resistance, like the normal zombie.
Goalkeeper Zombie

It is a normal zombie carrying a door with mosquito net for protection. Is vulnerable to Humoseta, Magnetoseta and catapults.
Zombie Dance

This zombie is a parody singer and dancer Michael Jackson.When it appears, he and his dancers do a dance zombies parody of the song "Thriller." This character was replaced by a zombie dressed in clothes from the 70's, due to legal problems.
Zombie Extra

Zombie Zombie next to Bailon in a group of four, to accompany him on his dancing. If you get to kill one before the Zombie Bailon, another arises in his place.
Zombie Athlete

He wears a football uniform. This zombie is tough, fast and very tough. The Magnetoseta he removes his helmet, making it vulnerable. By eating a good ally hipnoseta
Zombie Playero

It is a normal zombie wearing a duck-shaped jacket. Has the ability to get into the pool. It may also appear with a cone, a bucket on the head or a flag.
Zombie Diver

It takes a zombie suit and snorkel. Nothing under the water, being immune, until it encounters the first floor and begins to devour it. It is very fast. His shirt says ("I love brains"). It is vulnerable to the catapult, and Zampalga Aposinaflor.
Zombie With Delfin

It is a very fast zombie that appears in the pool and going on a dolphin zombie. Skip the first hurdle.

Zombie wearing winter clothes and goes on a car leaving an ice plate through which, besides destroying the plants in its path.Pinchohierba is vulnerable to. If the ice sheet is long enough, Zombies Bobsleigh appear for her. May melt with jalapenos.
Zombie With Globe

Zombie leading children's clothes and goes flying in a balloon, which makes it immune to attacks. It is vulnerable to Cactus, bursting his balloon, the clover, which flew out and the cat's tail it can attack even when in front of him.
Zombie With Box

Zombie is a fool who wears clothes and a box of asylum surprise. When opened, the box explodes. The Magnetoseta can draw the box.
Zombie Cubililetero

It's a zombie with a bucket on his head. It is five times stronger than normal zombie.
Harold Zombie

It appears that only a zombie from a bungee jumping. Falling steals a plant or leave any zombie. To avoid this we use a Paraplanta, or freeze the frozen mushrooms, plants and plant explosive shoot him.
Zombie Bobsleigh

Zombie appears in teams of four in a red sleigh. Both zombies and the sled are very resistant.
Zombie Zombipulta

This zombie is similar in appearance to Zombie Picado.Appears in the vehicle that launches balls basketball, that can be stopped by the paraplanta. This zombie is vulnerable to Pinchohierba.
Chopped Zombie

It's a zombie-like mining and brings with it a peak. Dig until you reach the opposite side of the screen, and walk in the opposite direction to the other zombies. It can only be attacked by Bipetidora the Frustrella and the tail of a cat. The patatapum can attack them. The peak Magnetoseta can steal and be overdrawn.
Jumping Zombie

Bring a pogo stick with it and uses it to skip floors. It is immune to the effects retainers, no lags. The magnetoseta can steal the stick.

It's a little zombie that brings Zombiestein behind him. It is released to your plants. It has a low resistance and speed.
Zombie Climber

It's a zombie who has a mustache and wears a ladder. which used to overcome obstacles. Furthermore, other Zombies can use the stairs. The only way to eliminate the stairs after
are placed is a Magnetoseta or Petacereza
Dr. Zombie

It is the final boss of the game. Controls a huge robot called Zombot. Through it attacks by throwing balls of ice and fire, which can be offset by Frozen Mushrooms Jalapeños and after 50% damage launches mobile homes. Also sent several zombies from the normal Zombistein

Zombie is a huge, very strong and sturdy, load their backs to Zombidito and throws it your plants. Its large size gives it a very slow but great strength, as are necessary to defeat the two explosions or Petaseta Petacerereza. In addition, he brings a club (most often using a wooden pole but can also lead a traffic signal or to another zombie as mace) that destroy your plants in one fell swoop
Yeti Zombie

This zombie is extremely strong and slow. Appears only when you play adventure mode a second time. When you defeat will give you 4 diamonds. The tree of knowledge clarifies that only comes out at night

It's a lot like a zombie (Zombistein) with red eyes and to defeat it takes four spikes, only appears when playing Survival Endless and spend more than a dozen flags.
Zombie Disco (Zombie Bailon)

This is the zombie zombie Bailon substitute for legal problems.Does the same as zombie Bailon but is dressed in clothes of the 70's.
Zombie Extra 2 (Zombie Extra)

This replaces the zombies zombie extras. Does the same as the zombies extra but is dressed in clothes of the 70's.